
Mtas can retrieve list of hits for Mtas queries within the (filtered) set of documents. To get this information, in Solr requests, besides the parameter to enable the Mtas query component, the following parameter should be provided.

Parameter Value Obligatory
mtas.list true yes

List results on multiple spans can be produced within the same request. To distinguish them, a unique identifier has to be provided for each of the required lists.

Parameter Value Info Obligatory
mtas.list.<identifier>.key <string> key used in response no
mtas.list.<identifier>.field <string> Mtas field yes
mtas.list.<identifier>.query.type <string> query language: cql yes
mtas.list.<identifier>.query.value <string> query: cql yes
mtas.list.<identifier>.query.prefix <string> default prefix no
mtas.list.<identifier>.query.ignore <string> ignore query: cql no
mtas.list.<identifier>.query.maximumIgnoreLength <integer> maximum number of succeeding occurrences to ignore no
mtas.list.<identifier>.prefix <string> comma separated list of prefixes no
mtas.list.<identifier>.number <double> maximum number of items in list no
mtas.list.<identifier>.start <double> offset for selection of items in list no
mtas.list.<identifier>.left <double> number of positions left of hit no
mtas.list.<identifier>.right <double> number of positions right of hit no
mtas.list.<identifier>.output <string> “token” or “hit” no
mtas.list.<identifier>.fields <string> comma separated list of fields for which the value(s) have to be included for each item in the output no


The query may contain one or more variables, and the value(s) of these variables have to be defined

Parameter Value Info Obligatory
mtas.list.<identifier>.query.variable<identifier variable>.name <string> name of variable yes
mtas.list.<identifier>.query.variable<identifier variable>.value <string> comma separated list of values yes


  1. Token : List of tokens with prefix t, pos and s for adjectives followed by a noun
  2. Hit : List of hits with prefix t, pos and s for articles followed by an adjective and a noun
  3. Left and Right : List of tokens with prefix t and s for sentences starting with an article, expanded to the left and the right


List with output type token and prefixes t, pos and s for adjectives followed by a noun


Request and response



List with output type hit and prefixes t, pos and s for articles followed by an adjective and a noun


Request and response fq=%7B%21mtas_cql+field%3D%22text%22+query%3D%22%5Bpos%3D%5C%22LID%5C%22%5D%5Bpos%3D%5C%22ADJ%5C%22%5D%5Bpos%3D%5C%22N%5C%22%5D%22+++%7D&q=%2A%3A%2A&mtas=true&mtas.list=true&mtas.list.0.field=text&mtas.list.0.query.type=cql&mtas.list.0.query.value=%5Bpos%3D%22LID%22%5D%5Bpos%3D%22ADJ%22%5D%5Bpos%3D%22N%22%5D&mtas.list.0.key=article%2Badjective%2Bnoun&mtas.list.0.prefix=t%2Cpos%2Cs&mtas.list.0.output=hit&mtas.list.0.number=2&mtas.list.0.start=0&mtas.list.0.left=0&mtas.list.0.right=0&fl=%2A&rows=0&wt=json&indent=true


Left and Right

List with output type token and prefixes t and s for sentences starting with an article, expanded two positions to the left and one position to the right


Request and response fq=%7B%21mtas_cql+field%3D%22text%22+query%3D%22%3Cs%3E%5Bpos%3D%5C%22LID%5C%22%5D%22+++%7D&q=%2A%3A%2A&mtas=true&mtas.list=true&mtas.list.0.field=text&mtas.list.0.query.type=cql&mtas.list.0.query.value=%3Cs%3E%5Bpos%3D%22LID%22%5D&mtas.list.0.key=sentence+starting+with+article&mtas.list.0.prefix=t%2Cs&mtas.list.0.output=token&mtas.list.0.number=2&mtas.list.0.start=0&mtas.list.0.left=2&mtas.list.0.right=1&fl=%2A&rows=0&wt=json&indent=true

        "key":"sentence starting with article",


To get a list of hits directly in Lucene, ComponentList together with the provided collect method can be used.