
Mtas can produce indices for Mtas queries within the listed documents. To get this information, in Solr requests, besides the parameter to enable the Mtas query component, the following parameter should be provided.

Parameter Value Obligatory
mtas.index true yes

Index results on multiple spans can be produced within the same request. To distinguish them, a unique identifier has to be provided for each of the required indices.

Parameter Value Info Obligatory
mtas.index.<identifier>.key <string> key used in response no
mtas.index.<identifier>.field <string> Mtas field yes
mtas.index.<identifier>.query.type <string> query language: cql yes
mtas.index.<identifier>.query.value <string> query: cql yes
mtas.index.<identifier>.query.prefix <string> default prefix no
mtas.index.<identifier>.query.ignore <string> ignore query: cql no
mtas.index.<identifier>.query.maximumIgnoreLength <integer> maximum number of succeeding occurrences to ignore no


The query may contain one or more variables, and the value(s) of these variables have to be defined

Parameter Value Info Obligatory
mtas.index.<identifier>.query.variable.<identifier variable>.name <string> name of variable yes
mtas.index.<identifier>.query.variable.<identifier variable>.value <string> comma separated list of values yes


The index for a document can be seen as counting the number of hits within a certain division of this document into blocks. Several types of such a division are possible: by number, size or query.

Number of blocks

To divide the document into a fixed number of separate blocks of equal length (as closely as possible), this number has to be provided. The size of the blocks will depend on the size of the document.

Parameter Value Info Obligatory
mtas.index.<identifier>.block.number <integer> number of blocks within the document yes

Size of blocks

To divide the document into separate blocks of fixed length (as far is possible), this size has to be provided. The number of blocks will depend on the size of the document.

Parameter Value Info Obligatory
mtas.index.<identifier>.block.size <integer> size of blocks within the document yes

Query based blocks

To divide the document into separate blocks defined by a query (other than the main query for the index), this query has to be provided.

Parameter Value Info Obligatory
mtas.index.<identifier>.block.query.type <string> query language: cql yes
mtas.index.<identifier>.block.query.value <string> query: cql yes
mtas.index.<identifier>.block.query.prefix <string> default prefix no
mtas.index.<identifier>.block.query.ignore <string> ignore query: cql no
mtas.index.<identifier>.block.query.maximumIgnoreLength <integer> maximum number of succeeding occurrences to ignore no

And of course, this query can contain variables.

Parameter Value Info Obligatory
mtas.index.<identifier>.block.query.variable.<identifier variable>.name <string> name of variable yes
mtas.index.<identifier>.block.query.variable.<identifier variable>.value <string> comma separated list of values yes


Also because a match for the query may contain multiple positions, it can occur that a match intersects with multiple blocks. By default, a match is taken into account for this block, if it intersects. However, this behavior can be configured to containing the start position of the match, or to contain the match completely.

Parameter Value Info Obligatory
mtas.index.<identifier>.match <string> “intersect”, “start”, or “complete” no


Within a block, not only the total number of matches for the query can be listed, but also a list of grouped prefixes for these matches. Typically, this may result in words matching your query. Optionally, the size of the list can be limited by providing a maximum number. Default the list is sorted descending by frequency (count), but sorting by term frequency–inverse block frequency (variant of tf-idf) can be used to emphasis block specific words.

Parameter Value Info Obligatory
mtas.index.<identifier>.list.prefix <string> comma separated list of prefixes yes
mtas.index.<identifier>.list.number <integer> maximum number of items in the list no
mtas.index.<identifier>.list.sort <string> “index”, “count”, “tfibf” no


  1. Basic : Create an index with the number of adjectives in each block.
  2. Block number : Create an index with the number of adjectives in each block
  3. Block size : Create an index with the number of adjectives in each block
  4. Block query : Create an index with the number of adjectives in each block
  5. List : Create an index with the number of adjectives in each block


Create an index with the number of adjectives in each block.


Request and response


Block number

Create an index with the number of adjectives in each block.


Request and response


Block size

Create an index with the number of adjectives in each block.


Request and response


Block query

Create an index with the number of adjectives in each block.


Request and response



Create an index with the number of adjectives in each block.


Request and response



To use keywords in context directly in Lucene, ComponentIndex together with the provided collect method can be used.