
Mtas can compute geographical distribution for Mtas queries. To get these heatmaps, in Solr requests, besides the parameter to enable the Mtas query component, the following parameter should be provided.

Parameter Value Obligatory
mtas.heatmap true yes

Multiple heatmaps can be produced within the same request. To distinguish them, a unique identifier has to be provided for each of the required document results.

Parameter Value Info Obligatory
mtas.heatmap.<identifier>.key <string> key used in response no


One or multiple queries on the defined Mtas field have to be defined

Parameter Value Info Obligatory
mtas.heatmap.<identifier>.query.<identifier query>.type <string> query language: cql yes
mtas.heatmap.<identifier>.query.<identifier query>.value <string> query: cql yes
mtas.heatmap.<identifier>.query.<identifier query>.prefix <string> default prefix no
mtas.heatmap.<identifier>.query.<identifier query>.ignore <string> ignore query: cql no
mtas.heatmap.<identifier>.query.<identifier query>.maximumIgnoreLength <integer> maximum number of succeeding occurrences to ignore no


The query may contain one or more variables, and the value(s) of these variables have to be defined

Parameter Value Info Obligatory
mtas.heatmap.<identifier>.query.<identifier query>.variable.<identifier variable>.name <string> name of variable yes
mtas.heatmap.<identifier>.query.<identifier query>.variable.<identifier variable>.value <string> comma separated list of values yes


One geospatial field has to be defined, and like for the Solr facet.heatmap several parameters can be configured.

Parameter Value Info Obligatory
mtas.heatmap.<identifier>.heatmapField <string> Geospatial field yes
mtas.heatmap.<identifier>.geom <string> The region to compute the heatmap on, specified using the rectangle-range syntax or WKT. It defaults to the world. no
mtas.heatmap.<identifier>.gridLevel <integer> A specific grid level, which determines how big each grid cell is. Defaults to being computed via distErrPct (or distErr). no
mtas.heatmap.<identifier>.distErrPct <double> A fraction of the size of geom used to compute gridLevel. Defaults to 0.15. It’s computed the same as a similarly named parameter for RPT. no
mtas.heatmap.<identifier>.distErr <double> A cell error distance used to pick the grid level indirectly. It’s computed the same as a similarly named parameter for RPT. no
mtas.heatmap.<identifier>.maxCells <integer> The maximum number of cells. no


Optionally, the type of statistics and minimum/maximum number of occurrences can be defined.

Parameter Value Info Obligatory
mtas.heatmap.<identifier>.type <string> required type of statistics no
mtas.heatmap.<identifier>.minimum <double> minimum number of occurrences span no
mtas.heatmap.<identifier>.maximum <double> maximum number of occurrences span no


To compute statistics for values based on the occurrence of one or multiple spans, optionally functions can be added. The parameters for these functions are the number of occurrences $q0, $q1, … for each query and the number of positions $n in a document. Statistics on the value computed for each document in the set are added to the response.

Parameter Value Info Obligatory
mtas.heatmap.<identifier>.function.<identifier function>.key <string> key used in response no
mtas.heatmap.<identifier>.function.<identifier function>.expression <string> see functions yes
mtas.heatmap.<identifier>.function.<identifier function>.type <string> required type of statistics no

The key is added to the response and may be used to distinguish between multiple functions, and should therefore be unique within the set of functions for each heatmap.


  1. Basic : TODO
  2. Variable : TODO
  3. Function : TODO


Heatmap for CQL query [pos="N"].

Request and response



Heatmap for CQL query [pos=$1] with $1 equal to N,ADJ.

Request and response



Heatmap for CQL query [pos="N"] with function.

Request and response



To produce facets on metadata directly in Lucene, ComponentHeatmap together with the provided collect method can be used.